Rehab For Couples

Gabapentin Rehab For Couples

When your loved one is under the influence of a substance and you have a strong bond with them, you are also at risk of substance abuse. The influence is high for couples when it comes to drug addiction due to the strong relationship present in them. If you see early signs of addiction in your spouse, it’s best to have an early intervention so that you can prevent codependency and the health consequences of this unhealthy behavior.

What are the Signs of Substance Abuse in Couples?

Self-denial will always be there when you ask your loved one if they are abusing Gabapentin or any substances. Even codependency is hard to detect because of the strong relationship between couples. Intervention from a doctor would be best to help the couple understand their condition, and what they can do to recover.

However, there will always be one of you who can realize that you need to undergo rehab to get sober. To give you an idea on what are the common signs of Gabapentin addiction, you can see them below:

  • You tend to isolate yourself from others and discreetly use the drug.
  • Verbal or physical abuse is present in couples.
  • You allocate more time to consuming the substance rather than your responsibilities at home or work.
  • You consume more than what is prescribed by your doctor.
  • You use other substances or drink alcohol while under medication.
  • You cannot control your mood swings.
  • You cannot focus on your work or family.

If you see two or three of these signs on your partner, that calls for medical intervention. You need to do this as early as possible to prevent further damage to the mind and body of your loved one.

Rehab For Couples

What is Codependency in Drug Abuse?

Codependency happens when your partner has a drug abuse problem, and he or she influences you to do this unhealthy behavior. We can also say that codependency is a “relationship addiction”. It’s a one-sided relationship where only one is under the influence, and the other is influenced to do it.

For couples, this is likely to happen due to the strong bond between them. If the sober partner is not strong enough to influence the other to stop and recover from addiction, then the former will likely go down the path of substance abuse as well.

To counter this problem, the couples must undergo intervention so that they would understand where they are at with their substance use disorder. Afterwards, they can both enroll in rehab so that they can comfort and support each other until they finish their rehab program.

Can We Both Go to Rehab Together?

Many rehab centers accept couples to go into treatment together. They have allowed that since they can both motivate and give support to each other while under treatment.

You can ask the rehab center if they offer couples rehab and how it works in their facility. Oftentimes, the process is likely to be the same with individual rehab, yet there are slight modifications since it’s going to be applied to couples.

Combining mutual support, motivation, and the systematic process of rehab, couples have a greater chance of recovery. This is the beauty if you enroll in couples rehab since both of you will be on the path of sobriety.

How Does Behavioral Couples Therapy (BCT) Work on Couples?

It works the same way as behavioral therapy is done to individuals. The main goal of this therapy is to help couples reshape their unhealthy behavior so that they can recover from Gabapentin addiction.

The majority of couples enrolled in this program have shown significant improvements in their physical and mental well-being. They help couples reinforce the bond between them by fixing unhealthy behaviors and communication. This prevents domestic violence from happening in their home.

To help set your expectations, here are the things commonly included in behavioral couples therapy:

  • Help couples maintain healthy communication to avoid domestic violence and to promote understanding.
  • Train couples to do activities that will help them forget about craving for the drug.
  • Help couples keep track of their medication and counseling sessions.
  • An opportunity to help couples plan for their aftercare program. This is to have a smooth transition from rehab to the “actual outside world”.
  • Help couples develop coping mechanisms in handling triggers.

What is Inpatient Rehab for Couples?

Inpatient rehab is recommended if the couple’s addiction problem is fatal. They will need close medical supervision, especially during detox where withdrawal symptoms are painful and life-threatening.

Couples inpatient rehab will be the same as an individual inpatient. There will be some adjustments to fit the needs of the couple, yet in a general sense, it will be the same. The couple will receive care 24/7, and they will be inside the rehab center. Most rehab centers have various amenities to give a holistic program for their patients.

When you’re looking for the best treatment center, make sure to check their amenities and the programs they are offering for couples rehab. This help set your expectations and understand if they are the right rehab center to go to address your Gabapentin addiction problem.

Gabapentin Rehab For Couples

Is Couples Rehab Beneficial for Us?

Stigma and fear will always be there when we talk about rehab programs. But if you check any medical reports, couples who have enrolled in rehab were able to live a sober life longer than those who have not. This is strong proof that rehab can help restructure your behavior, especially the unhealthy ones like an addiction.

If a couple is under the influence of Gabapentin, the more they need to undergo treatment. You go into treatment not just for both of you to recover, but for the sake of your loved ones. If you have children, the more you need to encourage yourself to enroll in rehab.

Many couples were able to come back healthy to their loved ones after completing their rehab program. If you have children and they see you recovered, they will be very proud of you.

Do We Need Couples Aftercare Service?

Planning for an aftercare service is good to help you prepare for the “real world”. There will be triggers everywhere outside of rehab, so both of you need to have a smooth transition while reinforcing yourself to handle these negative influences.

An aftercare program for couples is the same as singles. Sober living houses are the practical choice since you have the freedom of the “outside world” while having constant advice from your therapist. You will also be living with other patients, and you will hear their success stories of conquering addiction.

If you plan to prepare for your aftercare program, then you’re doing the right thing. As couples, you need to be on the same page when deciding on the actions you want to do for your well-being. Enrolling into rehab is your first step, and you can seamlessly complete this with the help of your partner and the medical professionals of the facility.